Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Theomania: A Game of Religions


The goal of Theomania is to make up a religion in a short time and try to convert the other players.  The prophet with the most converts wins.


Round 1

All prophets have some drinks or other psychoactives to open their minds to the cosmic truths they will soon be channeling.  This round lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the mood of the room and the psychoactives being used.

Round 2

Now that the prophets' minds are properly opened, it is time to create some religions.  All prophets need a writing implement and a surface, and have five to ten minutes in which to create the outlines of their new religion.  This may take any form the prophet feels inspired to create, but should include the following:

  • The name of the religion
  • Requirements for joining the religion
  • Requirements and restrictions for members in good standing
  • Major and routine holidays and celebrations, and the reasons behind them
  • Description of the afterlife, if any, for believers and non-believers
  • Description of the universe, its origin, and the eschaton
  • Description of the major figures of the religion, including but not limited to:
    • Gods and their servants
    • Monsters and other creatures
    • Saints and other major human figures
  • Exclusiveness of other religious systems
Contradictory information is not just allowed, but encouraged.  These are typically called "mysteries".


For an extra challenge, prophets may randomly select characteristics for their religion from one or more of the lists below.  The lists may also be used for inspiration.


  • Monotheist
  • Polytheist
  • Dualist
  • Manichaean
  • Ancestror worship
  • Deist
  • Abstract
  • Animist/shamanic

Nature of the Deity(ies)

  • Nature spirit(s)
  • Ascended/enlightened human
  • Aliens/UFOs
  • Traditional deity

Important Beliefs

  • Individualism
  • Community
  • Virtue and salvation
  • Reverence for nature
  • Aggression and violence


  • Animal sacrifice
  • Effigy burning
  • Meditation
  • Construction of a large structure
  • Ritual magic
  • Ritual nudity and/or sex

Round 3

Armed with their new belief systems, the prophets then set about seeking converts among the other prophets by any means necessary.  Enlightened debate, cajoling, bribery, unenlightened debate, and intimidation are all legal methods of gaining followers.  Potential converts are encouraged to question the prophet about his religion; if the questions are not addressed in the existing scriptures, the prophet is free to make up whatever answer he likes, which immediately becomes part of the orthodox theology of the religion.

After the conversion period, the prophets reconvene.  Each in turn asks how many converts he has gained, and any prophets who wish to convert (which may or may not include the prophet himself) raise their hands.

Prophets may join more than one new religion as long as they both allow it.  The prophet with the most converts wins.  In the event of a tie, the game is decided by a holy war among each religion's followers.